Alec Wang

About me

Hey I'm Alec!

I am a data-driven software engineer and problem-solver with experience building data solutions in fast growing companies. I am passionate about creating data products that improve people's daily lives.

I was in First Circle as a Product Intern then transitioned into the Data Team. Before that, I was working in operations or engineering at various B2B SaaS startups: Expedock, Exora, Taikuun. I was also employed as a Data Science Bootcamp Associate in Eskwelabs.

Currently, I am a student in Simon Fraser University working on my BSC Computing Science degree. I was a co-organizer of Effective Altruism Philippines, the local chapter of the effective altruism (EA) movement, and a co-founder of Effective Altruism Blue, an EA student chapter in Ateneo de Manila University.

You’ll find my thoughts, work, personal and professional interests here.

If you’re interested in connecting professionally, you can view my profile on LinkedIn or contact me.

About this website

This site is built using Markdown and React using the Gatsby framework, and hosted on Netlify. The source for this website is available on my GitHub.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.